Sort by Title Ordre AscDesc Apply Title Rationale Aichi targets 2. Integration of biodiversity values 2. Biodiversity values integrated 20. Resource mobilization 20. Financial resources from all sources increased 3. Incentives 3. Incentives reformed 4. Use of natural resources 4. Sustainable production and consumption 5. Loss of habitats 5. Habitat loss halved or reduced 6. Sustainable fisheries 6. Sustainable management of marine living resources 7. Areas under sustainable management 7. Sustainable agriculture, aquaculture and forestry 8. Pollution 8. Pollution reduced 9. Invasive Alien Species 9. Invasive alien species prevented and controlled Pagination Première page « First Page précédente ‹ Previous Page 1 Page courante 2 3 Écosystèmes 13 Documents 2 Évènements 1 Album photo 19 Objectifs nationaux 2 Sites web associés 5 Actualités 2 Organisations 1 Projet 3 Aires protégées 1 Vidéo